

こんにちは、イギリス生まれ・東京在住、英語教師で作家のLukeです。今週、僕が書いたオノマトペ(擬態語・語音後)についての本 が出版されました。是非チェックしてみて下さい!

このクイズは皆さんの関係代名詞の能力を試します。是非受けてみてください。 10の質問があります。
Good luck!

  1. I told you that I wanted to go skydiving.
  2. I said to her which I wanted to go shopping.
  3. The best building which I went to was the Empire State Building.
  4. The first girl I kissed had blue hair.
  5. The most interesting place that I’ve been to in Italy is Bologna.
  6. The most intersting place which I’ve been to in Japan is Nikko National Park.
  7. I believe!
  8. I said!
  9. I insisted that she go home.
  10. I wrote which I was busy.


1. I told you that I wanted to go skydiving.
2. I said to her that I wanted to go shopping.
3. The best building that I went to was the Empire State Building.
4. The first girl I kissed had blue hair.
5. The most interesting place that I’ve been to in Italy is Bologna.
6. The most intersting place that I’ve been to in Japan is Nikko National Park.
7. I believe! 信じる!
8. このフレーズは英語で言えません。
9. I insisted that she go home.
10. I wrote that I was busy.



英語の教師と作家。父はイギリス人、母はアメリカ人。イギリス生まれ、13歳でアメリカへ。卒業後はワシントンDCで記者。現在東京に在住。著書に『この英語、どう違う?』(KADOKAWA)、『とりあえずは英語でなんと言う?』 (大和書房)、など。NHK基礎英語1と婦人公論の連載。